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Preparing for Your Psilocybin Experience Working with plant medicines in sacred ceremony requires proper preparation and understanding, both for your safety and to have a…

Preparing for Your Ayahuasca Experience Working with plant medicines in sacred ceremony requires proper preparation and understanding, both for your safety, and to have a…

Heroic Hearts featured in Portier Psychedelics Podcast by Portier as Jared, Head of Integration Coaching, shares his experience helping veterans heal with ayahuasca therapy. Full…

NBC Los Angeles covers Heroic Hearts Project’s sponsoring of S.B. 58 which would decriminalize the use of certain hallucinogenic substances. Full Story

Heroic Hearts cited in Tricycle Day ‘s Q&A with Social Entrepreneur, Patrick Moher. Full Story Watch PBS/KVIE’s Emmy winning ViewFinder episode on Psychedelics and Healings , which features the Heroic Hearts Project. Full Story

Listen to Seeking podcast to hear from three vets connected with the Heroic Hearts Project. Full Story

Lucid News highlights Heroic Hearts recently announced research program in partnership with Imperial College London and Beckley Retreats. Full Story

As Oregon becomes the first state to offer controlled use of magic mushrooms, Jesse Gould expresses hope in setting up an outpost. Read more of…