Veteran Voices Drive Bipartisan Support for MDMA as a PTSD Treatment
The FDA has an important decision to make August 9th when it comes to whether or not MDMA Assisted Therapy will be approved as a lifesaving treatment for PTSD. The Veteran voice has not been silent in the lead up to this critical moment.
It has been our honor to work with so many other Veterans’ organizations as we approach the FDA’s decision, especially our partners at Healing Breakthrough, who have been the tip of the spear when it comes to rallying political support of this treatment. The message is clear: The science shows that this treatment saves lives and is significantly more effective than other existing treatment modalities.
Together and in a matter of weeks, we’ve been able to move mountains, garnering bipartisan support from 19 U.S. Senators and 61 Members of the House. These elected officials (along with over 730 veterans from all 50 states as well as 14 VSOs) have signed onto letters agreeing that the FDA needs to seriously examine and consider the science demonstrating the effectiveness and long term potential of this breakthrough treatment for PTSD. They’ve agreed that Veterans deserve more reasonable and effective treatments given all that they’ve done to keep us safe at home.
This should be an issue on everyone’s radar, as it will set the precedent for whether or not prioritize the wellbeing of our Veteran Community and will set the trajectory for the evolution of mental health treatment in our country.
Regardless of what the FDA decides, there is more work to be done, and we will all need to continue speaking with a unified voice in honor of those who so deeply deserve it.
Published on Aug 05 2024
Categories: News
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